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trzy statuetki o owalnym kształcie w środku ze skrzypcami, z lewej strony dwie w kolorze srebrnym, od prawej jedna w kolorze złotym
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The grand finale of the 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition is now behind us —and what an exhilarating event it…
The results of the 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition
Data publikacji:
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition! First Prize: Sunjae Ok - 15 …
The results of stage 2 of the 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition
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We now have the results of Stage 2 of the 6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition! It was not an easy decision, but…


Koncert Laureatów, Finał 6. Międzynarodowego Festiwalu i Konkursu Skrzypcowego im. Karola Lipińskiego, 6.10.2024, CKK Jordanki
  • Concert
  • Festival and Violin Competition
III ETAP 4-5.10.2024, 6. Międzynarodowy Festiwal i Konkurs Skrzypcowy im. Karola Lipińskiego
  • Concert
  • Festival and Violin Competition
auditions for the third stage of the competition (Day II)
III ETAP 4-5.10.2024, 6. Międzynarodowy Festiwal i Konkurs Skrzypcowy im. Karola Lipińskiego
  • Concert
  • Festival and Violin Competition
auditions for the third stage of the competition (Day I)