Chamber music concert - “Spotlight on the Strings”
Sublima Quartet, featuring:
- Kamil Skicki - violin
- Anna Buda - violin
- Aldona Trybulec - viola
- Karolina Chłostowska - cello
- A. Piazzolla - Oblivion
- W.A. Mozart - Divertimento in D major
- N. Rota - Music from The Godfather
- A. Vivaldi - Four Seasons - Summer
- C. Gardel - Por Una Cabeza
- A.L. Webber - Music from The Phantom of the Opera
- J. Williams - Music from the Schindler's List
- G. Gershwin - Summertime
- G. Miller - Moonlight Serenade
- F. Chopin - Waltz
- G. Bizet - Habanera from the opera Carmen
- K. Jenkins - Palladio
- A. Piazzolla - Libertango
- L. Hart - Blue Moon
- J. Brahms - Hungarian Dance No. 5
- V. Monti - Czardas
Nadia Boulanger once remarked that in the 20th century, when avant-garde movements were breaking down all musical boundaries and traditional forms, harmonic principles, and instrumentation were subjected to wild experimentation, the most challenging task was to write a simply beautiful melody.
Some might cheekily agree with engineer Mamoń from Marek Piwowski’s film The Cruise, who claimed that the best tunes are the ones we already know. However, there’s no shame in appreciating Mamoń’s perspective. After all, we are naturally drawn to familiar and beautiful themes, whether they come from the classical music canon, film scores, or popular music. The works featured in this concert programme share a common thread: their composers were masters of melody. Great themes were crafted by Mozart, Chopin, Bizet, Gardel, Williams, and Piazzolla. Interestingly, Piazzolla was a student of Nadia Boulanger, who advised him to embrace the rich musical tradition of his native Argentina and give it a new lease of life, rather than force himself into the mould of classical music. The audience will experience the outcome of this advice in the concert’s opening piece, Oblivion.
Melodic talent was just as essential for Mozart as it was for composers like Rota, Webber, or Gershwin. Despite the changing times, one constant remains: composers, from the 18th century to today, have always needed to create music that resonates with audiences in order to earn a living. Yet, this practical necessity did not diminish their artistry. In the 18th century, all of Prague hummed the tunes from The Marriage of Figaro, and today, the world still hums the theme from The Godfather. The very same composer wrote Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio, and also the great fugue of the Jupiter Symphony finale and mysterious chords of the Fantasia in C minor, KV 475, exemplifying this duality. This applies not only to Mozart but also to Rota, who composed symphonies, ballets, and operas on one hand, and the iconic score for a Coppola film on the other.
Writing popular music, as in the cases of Jenkins, Miller, or Monti, can be likened to the challenge described in a conversation between Rota and a critic: it’s easy to write for newspapers, but writing a truly good article is an art form– and the competition is as fierce as it is in poetry and novels. And if we are to believe Nadia Boulanger – crafting a good melody is nothing short of genius.
Mecenas Główny: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury w ramach programu „Muzyka”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca
Dofinansowano z Funduszy Europejskich
Partner Główny: Samorząd Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Mecenas Kultury - Główny Sponsor: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
Mecenas Strategiczny: Strabag Sp. z o.o.
Mecenas: TZMO S.A.
Sponsor: Urbitor Sp. z o.o.
Współfinansowano ze środków Związku Artystów Wykonawców STOART
Partner motoryzacyjny: Toyota Bednarscy
Partnerzy: Cukiernia Sowa, MZK w Toruniu Sp. z o.o., Ruch Muzyczny, Iga Sarzyńska Wzrusza Toruń, Pneuma Jarosław Pawlicki, Pirmedia Sp. z o.o., Maciej Zieliński BJJ, RTR GROUP Sp. z o.o., Melt me tender, Galeria Kwiatów
Partner technologiczny: Vobacom Sp. z o.o.
Patronat medialny: TVP Kultura, Polmic, TVP 3 Bydgoszcz, TV Toruń, Radio PiK, Nowości, Toruń Nasze Miasto, Presto
Współpraca redakcyjna: RMF Classic
Organizator: Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna